Saturday, March 28, 2020

Amulet Tutoring in the World of English

Amulet Tutoring in the World of EnglishAmulet Tutoring in itself is an ideal solution for teaching and learning advanced English language skills. It is not necessary that you have a lot of time to take time out for education or private tutoring services. In this case, you can benefit from the flexibility that is present in the internet.The internet has numerous avenues that one can utilize to learn various things. That is why it is best to take advantage of the internet. An amulet tutor can be very helpful in bridging the gap between your schedule and time. If you will want to dedicate more time to your studies, there are certain methods that you can apply that will allow you to maintain the pace that you desire.You will not have to spend a lot of money in order to avail a private tutor. A great variety of online services are available online, which can facilitate your needs. Through these, you can find a tutor in your area for almost every type of lesson that you need.Whether you re quire a tutor for teaching English as a second language, tutoring on grammar or composition, or even if you just need to brush up on an obscure grammar point, the internet has got it all. Some of the tutors on offer are quite well known and renowned. The cost is also not exorbitant. The services offered by some of these tutors can be very costly, however they are certainly worth the money you spend.Another advantage that the internet provides is the ability to contact the tutor through chat or email. There are online chat rooms where you can post questions to the tutor to exchange with other students. This can be very helpful as you can chat with someone who is better equipped than you to answer your queries. If you will select the tutor with whom you feel comfortable, it can help you avoid the difficulties that you may have experienced with previous tutors. They may try to push you towards the answers that they prefer rather than what you desire.The tutor that you choose will help you understand different styles of teaching. Some people have actually learned English through teaching their children English. If you are among the people who find it hard to teach English to your children, then amulet tutoring could be for you.Whether you need private tutoring, private tuition or perhaps need some extra help in completing assignments, you can find a tutor who can help you get through this rough period with ease. Just check the internet and visit the various sites to find the right tutor that fits your requirements.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Can I teach English abroad with an associates degree

Can I teach English abroad with an associates degree Almost 700,000 people graduate with an associate’s degree, a two-year degree awarded at many junior and community colleges across the States, every single year. (Note: The Canadian and UK equivalent to a US associate’s degree are two-year diploma programs, offered at a variety of post-secondary education institutions.) There are so many great reasons to earn an associate’s degree. Whether you plan to transfer to a four-year college for a bachelor’s degree or better prepare yourself for the job market, an associate’s degree is a cheaper and less time-consuming way for any student to get their first two years of college under their belt. But what if you want to move abroad and teach English? Does your associate’s degree count for anything in the competitive global ESL job market? Where can (and can’t) you teach with your associate’s degree? And how can associate’s degree holders make the most of their credential when it comes to teaching English abroad? Read on to find out the answers! 1. Add more value to your associate’s degree with a TEFL certificate. The standard qualifications to teach English abroad usually include a bachelor’s degree, native-level English skills and a TEFL certification. If you’re falling short of this first requirement, then a surefire way to make your resume stand out amidst the competition (the majority of whom will have a four-year degree) is to get TEFL certified. Getting TEFL certified will not only get you shortlisted for jobs. It will also expand your ESL teaching know-how and help you impress at the interview stage. In short: It’s going to be difficult for you to get hired for a well-paying, legit English teaching job without a TEFL. 2. Search for English teaching jobs abroad you qualify for with an associate’s degree. Most government teaching programs (like EPIK in South Korea)accept only graduates with a bachelor’s degree. While China is one country where you need a four-year bachelor’s degree, there are a whole bunch of English teaching destinations overseas that welcome applications from associate’s degree holders with the right TEFL training. Take for exampleSouth Americancountries, like: Costa Rica Bolivia Chile Argentina Nicaragua These are all great countries to focus your job search if you’re interested in living and traveling in an astoundingly diverse, beautiful and dynamic region. (Yup, that makes two of us!) The salaries aren’t as high as you can expect inEurope or Asia, but the cost of living and competition for jobs is much lower. And if Asia is where you want to teach, don’t panic - all is not lost! Countries like Taiwan, Thailand and Cambodia don’t require overseas teachers to have completed a four-year degree - your two-year degree and TEFL certificate is plenty. And South Korea isn’t out of bounds, either. The TaLK program accepts candidates with an associate’s degree as well as students who are currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program. The perks aren’t quite as good as you’ll get with EPIK, but you’ll earn enough to live comfortably and explore this incredible country. Read this: No degree? 5 places to consider teaching English abroad so you can see the world this year. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. 3. Consider volunteer teaching job opportunities. English teaching opportunities overseas come in all shapes and sizes. If you’re into the idea of teaching English abroad on a volunteer basis, then there are organizations based in countries worldwide that are clambering to hire people with an associate’s degree. Usually, you’ll earn a stipend to cover your daily living expenses, plus accommodation costs covered. Best of all? By volunteer teaching abroad, you have the chance to live like a local and immerse yourself in the culture and community, rather than experiencing it as a tourist would! Sold? Get started by reading more about volunteer teaching English in China. Moving abroad is daunting for any new graduate. You’ve been in education for quite a while and the real world might feel like a terrifying place. But think of the amazing people you’ll meet, the life skills you’ll gain and the experiences you’ll encounter while teaching English abroad. The world is your oyster. Grab life with both hands and go for it!

4 Natural Tricks for Healthy Skin

4 Natural Tricks for Healthy Skin Image via Proper skincare is especially vital for women in their late teens and twenties because this is the time where development peaks and the most effective years in terms of preventing signs of early aging. We are all guilty of too much sun exposure or falling asleep with a full face of makeup after a night of debauchery and that is totally acceptable (although it should be prevented as much as possible). But in order to achieve your most glowing skin potential, you have to exercise proper care and maintenance of your face and you must be cognizant of the products that you use in order to radiate that natural beauty. If you remain consistent with a predominantly holistic (and affordable) skin routine, you can achieve that dewy no makeup needed look that every girl yearns for. Check out some of these super effective tips for achieving your healthiest skin ever! Always use protection I promise, this is not an inappropriate request. By protection I am referring to sunscreen obviously, or is your mind in the gutter?? Even if the weatherman is predicting cloudy skies, your face is still in danger of exposure to harmful UV rays. While we all love a good tan, chronic exposure to UV rays can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, sun spots, sagging and discoloration yikes! These are all consequences that we want to avoid not only in the present but that we definitely want to prevent in the future. To make sure that your skin is always protected from the sun, try not to leave home without applying SPF 15 or higher. You can do this with a moisturizer containing sunscreen or for those of you who prefer a little more coverage, try a tinted SPF moisturizer. Lemony hydration Image via First thing in the morning, depending on how much time that I have, I either take a shot of raw apple cider vinegar or drink a hot cup of water with fresh lemon before breakfast. I do this not only to wake up my senses, speed up my metabolism, and cleanse my digestive tract, but also to help my skin. The fresh citrus juice mixed with the hot water helps to purify the body, helping to eliminate toxins and reduce the chances of skin sensitivities. A boost of Vitamin C in the morning can also cut down on your body’s amount of free-radicals, causing your skin to stay healthy and work towards looking its very best. Scrub up Exfoliation is so important for healthy and radiant skin. A lack of exfoliation causes the dead skin cells on the surface of our skin to appear opaque and resultantly not reflect any light, resulting in a dull looking face. We definitely want to avoid this because lighting can be a complete game changer. As Michelle Pfeiffer once said, “If they have the right light on you, it makes no difference what face creams you use …” To find your best natural lighting (any time and any day), be sure to exfoliate biweekly with a light scrub that won’t dry out your skin.   You can even create your own mixture by making a paste of equal parts baking soda and water. Once made into a paste, apply the mixture onto your face and massage it into your skin for about a minute before rinsing off with cool water and patting dry. Not only is this DIY exfoliant easy and cheap to make, but it does a wonderful job at clearing your skin of unwanted dead cells. Tone up Image via Contrary to what many say, using a toner is okay and even an essential step to your skincare routine. Applying a toner subsequent to cleansing can help to balance your skin’s pH levels, providing you with a more even skin tone. Toners were originally introduced as a way to restore the skins natural pH after using conventional cleanser products. The skin has a very delicate acid mantle that normally has a pH of around 5. Soap-based cleansers are typically more alkaline (have a pH above 7), which can disrupt the acid mantle on the skin. When the acid mantle is disrupted, it promotes abnormal bacteria growth, and our skin becomes more susceptible to diseases, infections, and even wrinkles long-term. Toners, which are more acidic (a pH of around 3-4), restore the skin to its natural pH. Although we should be using toners, the store bought kind are typically a chemical soup of alcohol and fragrances, parabens, hydrogenated oils, and additives that aren’t even close to being necessary for anyone to have beautiful skin. This is why, along with ingesting it, I use raw apple cider vinegar as a natural toner. I mix one part apple cider vinegar to four parts filtered water and apply it to my face with a cotton ball after cleansing. Apple cider vinegar facial toner made from raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar balances the natural pH of the skin, and breaks up the bonds between dead skin cells (exfoliating) to keep skin pores open. It also can lighten sun and age spots, and can improve acne and acne scars. If you prefer to shop for your toner, be sure to choose one that is alcohol free.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Great Ways to Boost Your Student Resume

4 Great Ways to Boost Your Student Resume Fullerton College Admissions Consultant Tips: 4 Great Ways to Boost Your Student Resume GPA and test scores are just part of the college application process. Most colleges and universities want to see a well-rounded student who can add to the community once theyre living and learning on campus. Students are encouraged to think about what they can do to improve their student resume and stand out among the crowd while also exploring personal interests. When students do volunteer work or community service they also have a chance to figure out what they want to study while in college and want to do for a job once they graduate our private Fullerton college consultants are here to help you succeed. 1. Get involved in your local community Each community has different needs, which provide varying options for students in different areas. High school students will have a wide variety of opportunities to get involved in the world around them outside of the school environment. Students are encouraged to pick something theyre interested in because they will be spending a substantial amount of their free time on this activity. A future veterinarian can volunteer at a local animal shelter, and a future teacher can participate in peer tutoring. Of course, not every student knows what they want to do at this stage so they can take the opportunity to try several different things before settling on long-term volunteer activity. 2. Start a club or organization after school Its a good idea for students to get involved in extracurricular activities. Students who are especially motivated can even start their school club. Founding an organization shows a ton of initiative to get something started from scratch and demonstrated excellent leadership skills. High school students will need the help of motivated peers and a teacher, but they should be prepared to do a lot of the work themselves. Students who dont have enough free time to start their organization should consider joining an existing club that fits their interests. 3. Apply for an internship Most people think internships are just for college students, but many high school students will have the opportunity to work at a professional organization over the summer. They may be doing this on a volunteer basis, or they might be getting paid, but they will learn valuable lessons about the workforce. Just the process of applying for an internship will help students understand what it’s like to apply to college and a full-time job in the future (READ: 5 Great Ways to Help Pay for College). 4. Improve your work ethic Its essential for college-bound students to have an excellent work ethic. Once they get into the college environment, they will have a lot of responsibilities but little supervision. Universities know this and want to see that students can handle the workload and follow through on their responsibilities. Students can demonstrate this by improving their work ethic at school, resulting in higher grades and positive teacher recommendations but they can also get a part-time job over the summer. When students maintain a part-time job, they are demonstrating that they can show up on time, follow directions, learn from mistakes, and work successfully with others. Theres no mistaking the value of part-time work at this stage in a students life. Need help with your college applications? Our private Fullerton college admissions consultants are here to help. Call us today for more information.

What The Cold Weather Means For College Students

What The Cold Weather Means For College Students Image via Pixabay Ideally, you’ll want to check to make sure everything is working before the winter hits, but always let maintenance know of any problems ASAP, especially since it will typically take them a few days to get to you. Also, be aware of your dorm’s obligations. Though it’s very possible you won’t be individually able to control the heat/air conditioning in your room, there is typically a state minimum at which your room must be heated to in the winter. Do some research and if it’s below that point, contact the office to let them know. It might seem a little dramatic, but the cold temperatures are cause for students to be aware of their buildings’ regulations, especially when they feel that they aren’t being met as this ultimately becomes a safety hazard. Another important consideration for students is transportation especially if they have cars on campus. For one thing, you’ll want to allow plenty of time to get to your destination during the winter, as you never know what the conditions will be. Even if you use public transportation, stay up to date on the weather, as trains and buses are continually affected by weather changes and it’s very possible you’ll be late. But most importantly, maintaining your car is huge, especially when the winter rolls around. Tire pressure, washer fluid, batteries, automatic locks and having a low gas tank are always problems when it comes to the winter, and being well prepared is a great idea as we head into one of the coldest weeks we’ve had yet. For one thing, you’ll want to start your car throughout the day and let it run for a bit to keep your battery from dying. You’ll also want to have a full gas tank to avoid freezing same goes for washer fluids. Also, make sure your tires are full before the cold weather hits. Of course, this shouldn’t be a problem if your car is housed in a garage, but if it’s outside and vulnerable to the conditions, checking on it, even when you aren’t going to be using it, is a great idea. In terms of what students can be doing health wise against the weather, using a humidifier in the apartment can help dispel the dry, winter air and using preventative medicines such as Emergen-C will help avoid colds, which typically spread much faster in the winter months and as the seasons change. The cold weather is going to continue for quite some time now, so it’s important for students to get ahead of the game and understand that it could mean more than just a chilly walk to class.

Online Tutoring For Children - Online Tutoring With the McLean Va Kids Club

Online Tutoring For Children - Online Tutoring With the McLean Va Kids ClubOnline tutoring is the newest way to get your child's school work done. Whether you're looking for an additional volunteer or perhaps are just trying to find some extra money, online tutoring can benefit both of you.One of the main reasons why online tutoring is the way to go is because there are a wide variety of organizations that offer tutoring online. Many tutoring clubs offer tutoring sessions online. The students do not have to go to the school for tutoring, but they can simply log on to the internet and pay for their tutoring session. Another great benefit is the fact that tutoring in this way allows a student to get more time in front of the computer and it gives them the ability to do other things while they are tutoring.Because tutoring is done online, it is much easier to keep up with, if you happen to have a lot of free time and maybe even have a family member or friend that can tutor you. The inte rnet also gives parents and instructors the opportunity to stay in touch with each other while the student is taking the online classes. It has become a new way for parents to stay connected and can save both of them a lot of time.Online tutoring will allow students to obtain scholarships, as many schools offer scholarships to those that are enrolled in tutoring. If you are trying to find a place to pay for college, having your child tutored while taking courses is one way to increase your chances of getting a scholarship.When it comes to deciding on which tutoring club to join, there are many different tutoring clubs available for McLean Va. There are also many other schools in Virginia that will accept tutoring through the tutoring clubs in the area. These schools include Hampton Roads Community College, Virginia Community College, and Lynchburg College.If you are considering enrolling your child in a tutoring club for children in McLean Va, you should start looking at their offer ings to see which ones may suit your child best. You should also look at their website to make sure that it contains up to date information about their tutoring clubs and the time they hold their sessions.If you have found a tutoring club in McLean Va that is convenient for you, it would be a good idea to visit their website to see what they offer and to find out whether or not their school is accredited and whether or not their school has been reviewed by the Better Business Bureau. Remember, your child's educational future is in your hands.

Responsibilities of a Chemistry Tutor

Responsibilities of a Chemistry TutorThere are several responsibilities of a chemistry tutor. You will be responsible for helping students in their study for the necessary things they need to know in order to pass the exams they will have to take later. The more advanced the student, the more responsibility you will have and there are also others that do not have this level of knowledge.You need to be very patient. Once your student has learned the basic skills in this subject, you will have to go through their homework assignments. You will have to keep in mind that while they are learning, the other students in their class are studying, so as to ensure that they do not get behind. Most of the students might not even think about what they need to do, but if you are one of them, you will be spending a lot of time on it.There are responsibilities of a chemistry tutor that differ depending on the grade of the test the student has to pass. The following are some of the responsibilities that you will have to shoulder for each student, and you can decide which ones you feel comfortable with. For beginners, you will be in charge of getting them enrolled for the test. You will have to provide them with some pre-tests, and this way, you will make sure that the students are prepared. For those who already have some knowledge, you will still have to make sure that they have this.For all those students who have been working in one class but who have now finished, you will be in charge of helping them start again. You will have to prepare for the new schedule of the class, and this is why you will have to work hard in this area. You can help the students come up with the necessary budget for their next semester's study, or maybe help them find some tutors.Of course, this is not possible for all the different students in the class. If this is the case, you will have to make them understand that they have to organize their own study schedule, but not do all the grading thems elves. After all, you will also have to supervise the students during their test day. You will have to be very careful because they might take advantage of you if you do not guide them properly.The responsibilities of a chemistry tutor also differ depending on the number of students in the class. The number of students does not have to be high, but for all the people in your class, you will have to spend some time on this. You will have to find the best way to manage all the students in the class, and help them learn more. You can give tips, and you can encourage them to move forward. In this way, you will find that they learn faster and more efficiently.So, those are the responsibilities of a chemistry tutor. They all depend on how you want to proceed with the assignment, but the most important thing is that you will have to make sure that the students will enjoy their time studying. If you manage to get these responsibilities under control, you will find that you are doing the bes t for all the students.

Secret Recipe for Vocal Health Right Here!

Secret Recipe for Vocal Health Right Here! Suzy S. Just kidding. There is no secret recipe. Really, the best and most basic way to keep your voice in shape is to hydrate. Water is key to a great singing voice. So you should definitely keep some water around while you’re singing right? That’ll keep you perfectly hydrated! Not quite. Its good to have water around when you sing, but it won’t actually reach your vocal folds. Whatever you drank about two hours ago is what is really doing all the work. So try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, and keep your voice well lubricated. But what about tea honey, and boiled ginger water, and lemon juice, and cough drops, or some liquid courage, and none of these will actually help you out. Caffeine, which is found in all teas, (black, green, or white) is a drying agent, and honey is just a sweetener. It might make you feel better mentally, but physically, you need to intake water to help your voice. The caffeine in the tea will dry out your voice, possibly making it feel scratchy. Caffeinated sodas, coffee drinks and any tea other than an herbal tea will dry you out, everyone reacts different. This isn’t to say you need to cut caffeine out of your life, but counteracting it with plenty of water is best. People claim to have all sorts of miracle voice cures â€" ginger, honey, lemon, etc. but nothing works as well as plain old water; and liquid courage? Not a good idea. Alcohol is also a drying agent, and takes a lot of the hydration out of your body. It also takes a full 36 hours to leave your system. Cough drops can be a hidden danger as well. People will often inhale cough drops like a vacuum cleaner if they think their voice is not feeling great. This is a really bad idea. Most cough drops contain menthol, which will suck every bit of moisture out of you! Check cough drop packages carefully; there are plenty out there that do not contain menthol. Often times, standing in the shower and cupping your hands around your nose and mouth an inhaling the water vapor for five minutes will help your nose and throat feel much better than a cough drop will. If you are in a bind, you aren’t feeling 100%, and need to perform or audition â€" no way out â€" sprays like Entertainer’s Secret or Oasis can help in a pinch. These products contain glycerin, which is a lubricant. So its acts like oil for your car except it’s lubrication for your vocal folds. If you just cannot get them to phonate. a little bit of one these products will help you get your voice up and running. My personal recommendation is Entertainer’s Secret because not only does it contain glycerin, but it also has no alcohol in the formula, and also contains apple pectin, which is a natural moisturizer. Apples are another great way to counteract a parched mouth during a performance under those hot, drying lights. Take a bite of a skinned apple before you go onstage. The moisture will last in your mouth much longer than a quick sip of water. Of course, this is on top of the 8 glasses of water you drank earlier! Water: its free, and you can get almost anywhere â€" and it’s the absolute best thing for your voice.

How Can Arts Education Benefit Med Students

How Can Arts Education Benefit Med Students If youve been looking at medical schools recently, you may already know that many U.S. medical schools have begun encouraging some study of the arts and humanities in their curriculums. Though it may seem that being able to dissect great works of literature is less important than being able to carefully dissect a human cadaver in anatomy, medical schools now argue that an arts education teaches students to treat their whole patients, taking into account the patients socioeconomic and cultural contexts when deciding upon courses of treatment. If youre headed to medical school, consider taking some arts classes to better prepare you for the human element of medicine. Check out these reasons that an arts education can be useful to you as a medical student: [RELATED: How to Decide Which Medical School is Right for You] 1. Much of medicine is analytical, and arts disciplines teach you to approach a problem from critical angles other than the traditional scientific ones From your science classes, youve probably learned to view and solve medical problems in a biological way. You understand that you cure appendicitis with an appendectomy and cholecystitis with a cholecystectomybut the arts can teach you to solve medical problems not just from a biological viewpoint, but through emotional, social, economic, and other viewpoints as well. The arts can train you to understand how a patient may have acquired a condition and what can be done in addition to traditional medical intervention that would help the patients condition improve. 2. An arts education familiarizes you with the context in which illness occurs The traditional medical model saw medical problems as occurring within a narrow biological cause-effect pattern. However, an arts education can help you understand that illness also occurs in the broader context of a persons emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, and economic life. Whereas the traditional scientific model will recognize that a person develops a tumor from abnormal cells, the arts allows you to recognize the lifestyle factors that may have led to the growth of those cells. This perspective may also allow you to treat not only the cells, but perhaps to teach the patient to make lifestyle changes that will prevent abnormal growth in the future. Illness does not simply occur in a biological vacuum, and understanding the arts can help you consider the multitude of factors that are relevant in a patients disease progression, as well as the medical treatment regimen. [RELATED: 3 Tips to Succeed in Medical School] 3. The arts may help connect you with the emotional aspect of medicine, allowing you to better sympathize with patients Its easy throughout medical education to reduce patients to their illnesses, but a background in the arts can help prevent you from doing so. The term bedside manner has long been thrown around in medicine, but recently, medical schools have started to give more weight to the development of bedside manner in students. The arts, whether critically analyzing literature or experiencing different forms of dance, can help connect you to the emotions of the human condition and help inform how you see patients. In an arts context, no longer is there just a broken leg in bed number three, but rather, a man who fell down his porch stairs this morning and is now in deep pain due to a fracture. The arts can help you cultivate deeper emotion and develop a strong bedside manner, which is indispensable for a future medical practitioner.